Thursday, November 12, 2009

Plants and Prices

Mike and I decided that since everything was starting to look so nice around here it was time to spruce up the terrace with some greenery. There were a few plants here already and we headed out to buy more. We're going to have trouble stopping as they are so incredibly cheap! So far, we've bought 3 large palm trees, and an hibiscus - all for the tune of 220 pesos, which at the current exchange rate is about $18.00.


  1. Absolutely love your plant choices. Looks great.So, if you got three large palm trees and a hibiscus for 220 pesos, why did the lady at the jardineria across from Walmart asked me for 250 pesos for five small bougainvillas? I thought bougainvillas grow here like weeds? Maybe she did take my blonde hair into consideration???? Arrrgh, arrrgh, not willing to color my hair dark. Maybe have to ask Mike to do the haggling for me????? Renate

  2. Great plants!I think they make a house a home and of course you can talk to them and they will not talk back or tell your secrets.
