Yes, we are back in Mazatlan, yes, I am still working on my blog, and yes, I am unable to post. To be honest, I am extremely frustrated, so yes, I quit trying for awhile. But, today is the day I am going to figure this out.
In that I have no idea if I will ever get to post this, I'm not going to go into great detail about the Day of the Dead events (well, except for a few pictures) as I've already done that and it disappeared - somewhere - who knows where. As I said, it's been frustrating.
So, the pictures:
I don't think we have ever seen that many people crowded into the Plazuela Machada, nor have I ever seen as many 'La Catrinas'. The time and effort some people put into their costumes was awe-inspiring.
It has been wonderful, as usual, being back in Mazatlan. We have been busy renewing old friendships, and also making new ones. This is a very social community and it is quite possible to have something scheduled each and every day. Actually, often there are several activities planned and sometimes it becomes necessary to make difficult choices as there are so many things to do. Sometimes we choose just to stay home. We all do it, it's a matter of survival!
I still work at the Library on Monday, and we have continued our habit of stopping after my shift for a marguerita (Marguerita Monday!) and then heading off somewhere for dinner. Mike attends Monday Lunch with a group of men from Centro. They search out good food for low prices, and have solved the problems of the world over some excellent meals. Wednesday is still Beans and Beer day for Mike and my day to explore. Today I am heading to the market to buy the ingredients for my contribution for American Thanksgiving dinner at a friend's home and I'm also going to stop by the fabric store (one of many in town) as I want to recover the cushions on the sofas and I found the perfect fabric yesterday. Mike brought his clubs with him, but has only been out once since we arrived (those conflicts again). Oh well, he managed to get in 100 games over the summer at home and I know once we get settled in the golfers will establish a routine.
And, as I type this, I keep wondering if I can post it. So, without further ado, here we go, let's see what happens .....