Where does the time go?
I had every intention of posting a least once or twice more before we left Winnipeg, but that certainly didn't happen. Like I said, where does the time go???
As usual, the last few weeks were a bit chaotic. Emptying the fridge was a challenge but we managed to do it. When we were down to one egg and a half a carrot, we knew it was time to leave. The leaves on the ground were another sign that it was definitely time to hit the road.

There were boxes and bags piled everywhere and of course, we kept finding more items that we felt we really 'had' to bring. Eventually it got to the point where we simply needed to start removing things from the pile. There is just so much room in the trunk of the car (and, of course, Abi gets the back seat all to herself).

(She did have to share the seat with the lounge chair pads and a few pillows, but that apparently was not a problem!)
I had planned to bring a microwave for the Library but it just was not going to fit, so it was left behind, along with several pairs of shoes! Darn, and I really liked those shoes. Oh well - they'll be there waiting for me in the Spring and perhaps we'll have room for the microwave next trip.
The drive down was uneventful, although the weather the first day was dreadful. It was pouring rain when we left, which turned into sleet, and the wind was just howling. We heard on the radio that it hit up to 80mph in the Dakotas and we saw two large semi-trailers on their sides along the highway. The winds were so strong they had just tipped over, like dinky-toys. Day One was long, and exhausting for Mike as he had to fight the wind every minute, but we made it to Yankton, S. Dakota, still in piece and woke up the next morning to clear skies, and most importantly, no wind!!! We did discover that cold blustery days are perfect for crossing the border, however. It was so frigid, and nasty that they basically just waved us through. It appeared that no one was prepared to weather the storm and come outside to check the trunk. Perfect!
And then, we drove, and drove, and drove.... No offence to the five other States we drive through, but it is always such a relief to arrive in New Mexico and Arizona and have something new to look at.

We love this place - it has a name, darned if I know what it is, we just refer to it as Boulder Alley and look forward to it every year.
In Nogales, Arizona, we met up with a group to do the convoy-thing through Mexico to Mazatlan. There have been reports of incidents along the highway, but, as usual, we just sailed through with no problems at all. I am sure the reports are true, but we certainly have never had the slightest difficuly in either crossing the border or making the 2 day drive to Maz and won't hesitate to make the drive again. The one nice thing about being part of a group is having different people to talk to when you're out of the cars and as usual we had lots of laughs during our pit stops. We need to make lots of stops - we use Abi as the excuse, but to be truthful, we're just so sick of the car by that point that we have to stop regularly!
So, we are finally back home in Mazatlan and blissfully happy.
The first few days are always hectic - unpacking and rearranging - but everything we brought down seems to have found it's spot in the Casita and I think I finally have the kitchen reorganized to my liking. The Casita, as usual, was spotlessly clean when we arrived and it felt like home the minute we walked in the door.
Monday was my first day back at the Library and Mike has joined the boys for their regular Monday Cantina Lunch. Today he is golfing. We think Tuesday will probably be his regular golf day and starting next week I'll be meeting with a camera group on Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday is Mike's Beans and Beer Lunch (he'll tell you about that later!) and we've penciled in Thursdays for Beach Day. The pages on the calendar are filling up!
It is wonderful to be back. Our Mexican neighbours have welcomed us home with open arms and everytime we leave the house, we run into someone we know. The weather has been perfect every day we've been here. I'm even getting attached to the rooster who lives up the street - the one who can't tell time and starts his cockadoodledoo routine very early in the morning and keeps it up all day long!
So, more later. I need to get cleaned up so that I can take the camera for a walk - these are pretty boring with no pictures!