I did my usual Monday volunteer at the library. We stopped into the Puerto Viejo afterwards, met up with a few friends, had a marguerita and a cerveza each, and came home. We made dinner and ate at home then settled into to watch a movie.
Tuesday, we did the shopping run with Jerry and Diane - we were hunting for chicken wings for next weeks "Wings on Wednesday". More on that later. We stocked up on wine and beer at Sam's (it's much cheaper there) and found the wings at Mega. While we were at it, we stopped to have the oil changed in the car and also found the vet, where we made an appointment to have Abi trimmed. We must have done something else, darned if I can remember! We did eat 'in' but stayed up late on the terrace as it was a beautiful evening and we've been working towards a full moon.
On Wednesday, we took Abi for her haircut. The vet was recommended by someone we have met - her dogs also have 'people' hair, and we're all trying to avoid the usual Mexican 'doggie-shave'. Well, it was close, but not quite. I still think she's adorable, and she can finally see! We've all promised to not to laugh at her.
While we were waiting for Abi to finish her spa day, Mike and I dropped into Home Depot (yes, again, we just can't seem to stay away from that place) because we needed to pick up some ant spray. We have little bitty ants, sugar ants, who have developed a fascination for my herbs. Die, ants, die!!!!!!!!!!!!! The herbs are growing and I'm planning on harvesting some of the basil and oregano for next weeks batch of spagetti sauce.
We drove to the Golden Zone to have lunch and check out the tourists. I have to confess, I really love living here. I look at all those people having such a good time and feel so sorry for them because they have to go home. I know, our day is coming, but we still have almost 3 months!! I also confess that I like the G.Z. in short doses - it's different than Centro, and it's fun. I'm just not sure I'd like to live there. I do like the shops, however.
Before Mike realized what was happening, I managed to drag him into a 'gallery store' - we browsed around a bit and sort of decided that we might like to bring back a mirror to hang over the fire place in the living room. As in, sort of, maybe, let's think about it, can we fit it into the car, can we afford it (Mike), YES, I love this idea, think of all the stores we can look through til we find the perfect one, I'll make it fit (we'll just leave all the clothes behind), of course we can afford it (we don't need to eat), it's going to look great!!!! (Sandie)
We were going to go to bed early, but the moon was getting larger, we decided to put on the Merengue CD we borrowed from Mary and Oscar, our Salsa 'instructors', then we watched the movie, and went to bed, later, much later.
Thursday, we went to the beach .... and everyone knows about that!
Friday was a casual day, we did a bitty bit of housework, couldn't do laundry because the water has been cut off in Centro for a few days to repair water main breaks and we are preserving our supply in the Tinaka, the giant water tank on the roof. More on that later as well!
We headed out to the market as we needed to pick up a few fruits and veggies and then we stopped of at Fish Taco at the Plaza Machado for lunch as we wanted to say Hi to Marcos, our favourite waiter.
Then we woarked our way home, up the hill, had a quick siesta, then strolled downhill to Canucks for the Friday "Meet and Greet", had dinner with friends at Pizza Morena, stopped into The Time Machine to listen to the musican of the evening and then struggled up the hill, again, to bed. The hill seems to be steeper as the day gets longer.
This, remember, is our stay at home, do nothing week.
Today, Mike and I decided we just needed some alone time, so we went for a walk, heading out for lunch somewhere. We stopped along the way to take a picture of one of my favourite restored buildings. I'm not sure what it's being used for but it really is lovely. I know, another building .....
We walked along the Malecon and stopped to check out the fishing boats (yes, I know, more boats, will she never stop with the boats!!!!)
and also the oyster catch of the day.
The Fisherman's Monument caught my eye,
(it's huge - this is just a corner!)
as did this restaurant. We've never eaten there, but it looks interesting.
It's been very windy today.
We don't worry about wind chill factors, however, just whether we can keep lunch on the table!
We did stop for lunch
and managed to hang on to everything. Barely. We found a few dominos in the sand - we're not sure who was cheating and we're going to blame in on the wind.
It was a difficult decision. We decided to try a new spot and there are so many to choose from
and then walked back home as far as we could on the beach. The tide has been unusually high because of the full moon and it has created some amazing tide pools. We never find shells along this stretch of the beach and Mike came home with a pocket full.
When we crossed from the beach up to the Malecon to head home, Mike simply had to stop here.
We came home with a half kilo of incredibly tender pork, a bag a tortillas, two bags of sauces and another bag filled with limes, all for 30 pesos (less than $3.00). So, we have dinner, except we're busy getting cleaned up to head off to Canucks for dinner and Saturday Salsa.
This is a really tough life.
Really. Trust me.
Or not.