Before we went to bed last night, we decided that today would be the perfect beach day. To be honest, they are all perfect beach days, but sometimes it just makes us feel a teeny bit more productive if we actually plan something. We also promised ourselves that tonight we were going out for a Shrimp dinner, at either of two local restaurants that have been highly recommended , Mariscos El Memin and El Guamuchilito Mariscos. We have planned this dinner several times over the past week or so, but something always seems to come up – we're too tired after exploring all day, we've eaten too much food for lunch, or once again, or once again, we've had an “Impromptu” evening.
So, we have the day all planned – get up, have our regular breakfast on the patio, take Abi for her morning stroll, then off to the beach for a few hours then home for a clean up and siesta, a puppy walk and then off for our feed of shrimp. We've even got our Mexican Spanish to English food lesson set out to take with us so we know exactly what we're ordering. We have also vowed that there will be no lunch at the beach, because, remember, we are going out for shrimp tonight.
We got off to a great start, breakfast and dog walk went as scheduled. The walk to the beach also went smoothly; we even found a more direct route. So far so good. Tried two palapas, but liked the second one better - could have been because the Tecate (the beer of choice) was only 15 pesos. That`s about $1.50. Then we decided that we really had to have the fish – Red Snapper, grilled, whole. But, keeping the shrimp dinner in mind, we will only have one and share it. Which we did. However, the salsa was amazing, so we had several bowls of that as well. Feeling a bit full now, but if we walk home, we will wear it off. But it's hot, the buses are cheap ...
While we're on the bus, we hear someone mention Edgars. Oh Oh – off to Edgars we go with a quick stop at the Central Mercado for limes (got to make this look good, like we meant to go to the market and just happened by chance to wander past Edgars). Well, what a surprise, ran into some folks we'd met before, so chatted to them for a bit, and had a chance to get reacquainted with Miki, our favourite waitress. She thought we'd gone home, so was glad to see us (well, especially Mike, or Mikie, her name buddy!)
By this time, we've decided that the shrimp is definitely not happening, especially since the botana today was a huge bowl of tortilla soup, so after we left Edgars we stopped off at our favourite chicken stand by the market and picked up a barbequed chicken for dinner.
We started the trek home, discussing what a truly wonderful day we had had, couldn't be more perfect, etc. etc. Then we chanced upon the hairdresser that our friend Nora had recommended. Mike
had just mentioned that he desperately needed a cut, so next thing we knew, he was in the chair. Tony did a great job, I was feeling a bit scruffy (really, with hair only ¼ inch long it can still br messy), Tony waved his scissors, and I left the shop looking pretty good too. With some hairspray. I have hair!!! Not much, but I need hairspray!!!!
This has been a great day. Wonder what the shrimp would have tasted like. Oh well, another day. We just won't plan to go there and maybe we'll actually make it one night!