Just kidding about the "grind" part, but just wanted everyone to know that our life in sunny Mexico is not all beaches and palm trees. Damn!!!
Life on Azueta St. is not quite the same as a 5 star resort. We make our beds, cook most of our meals and wash our dishes by hand - no dishwasher, garberator here! I know; life is tough and of course our kitchen is half outside so the sun and breezes blow through all the time.
And we even mop the floors, usually once a day and we even mop the patio. Sommetime soon I'll tell you how dusty Centro Mazatlan can be.
We do our own laundry too - we're one of the lucky ones and our house has a washer and dryer - outside on the patio. It takes foreever to fill so we put a hose in from another tap to help it along. The water runs at about a quarter of the pressure we are used to in Canada.
Mike also uses the hose (with an extension courtesy of the local Home Depot store) to wash the car. I did mention the dust didn't I? He runs it all the way from the back to the front where the car is parked on the street; sometimes the hose joint leaks on the floor then we mop again just because the water is sitting there.
Funny though now that we've figured it out housework in Mazatlan sure seems a lot less stressful than it is at home - and much less time consuming or maybe we are just getting used to the routine including the afternoon Pacifico break at a Palapa by the Pacific. Maybe throw in some bbq'd shrimp or a fresh caught fish and dig our toes in the sand.
Well I guess it's not such a grind after all!!!!